Guide to Comparing Safety Gloves

Guide to Comparing Safety Gloves

A glove should fit your hand perfectly. It also should fit the situation in which you’re using it. Although safety gloves are a necessity in the workplace, not enough workers fully understand their importance.

Many hand injuries in the workplace occur because the worker involved isn’t wearing safety gloves.  Sometimes injuries occur when the gloves being worn are inadequate for the hazard.  It isn’t enough for workers to simply be wearing safety gloves while on the job — they need to be wearing the right gloves for the specific job.

There is a wide variety of safety gloves designed to protect workers in a wide variety of hazardous situations. Some gloves are designed to protect from caustic substances, while others are designed to guard against sharp objects. Some safety gloves offer protection only against extreme cold. Certain types of gloves offer workers the manual dexterity required for detailed and delicate work, while others limit dexterity due to their construction. Knowing which safety gloves fit the situation is crucial for workers to protect themselves and/or avoid costly accidents.

Wearing appropriate safety gloves for the situation is a simple but important way to ensure workers are protected. Even if a worker is wearing safety gloves, wearing the wrong pair for the hazard still can be disastrous for worker and employer alike. Use the following guide to help you distinguish between the various types of safety gloves and when they should be worn. A well-made glove should fit your hand perfectly, but if it’s not made specifically for the situation in which you’re using it, it’s not a perfect fit at all.

Guide To Comparing Safety Gloves from Enviro Tech

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