How to Safely Carve a Turkey

How to Safely Carve a Turkey

Every year, too many people cut their hand while carving a turkey. These injuries can be serious, sometimes resulting in amputation of the finger. Luckily, they are avoidable. Follow these tips to safely carve a turkey this Thanksgiving:

  • Never cut toward yourself. Your free hand should be placed opposite the side you are carving toward. Don’t place your hand underneath the blade to catch the slice of meat.
  • Keep your knife handles and cutting area dry to avoid slips. Good lighting around the cutting area is also important.
  • Keep all cutting utensils sharp. Having a sharp knife will avoid the need to use a lot of force when cutting, which can be dangerous. Dull knives are more likely to cause slips and are still sharp enough to cause an injury. If possible, use an electric knife.
  • Use kitchen shears to tackle the job of cutting bones.

If you cut your finger or hand, the bleeding will often stop by applying direct pressure to the wound with a clean cloth. If it does not stop bleeding after 15 minutes of continuous pressure, visit the emergency room. In the days following the cut, monitor your injury. If you notice persistent numbness or tingling in the fingertip or you have difficulty moving or bending your fingers, make an appointment with a hand surgeon.

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