Any abnormal lump or bump in the hand or wrist is considered a tumor. The term “tumor” does not necessarily mean it is malignant or that it is a cancer. It only means that there is abnormal growth. In fact, most hand and wrist tumors are benign (not cancer). However, there are cancerous growths that can also occur in the hand and wrist.
Tumors can occur on the skin, such as warts or skin cancer, or underneath the skin in the soft tissue or even the bone. Because there are so many types of tissue in the hand (e.g. skin, fat, ligaments, tendons, nerves, blood vessels, bone, etc.), there are many types of tumors that can occur. Only a few of them are seen commonly.
There are other less common types of tumors seen in the hand, including lipomas (fatty tumors), schwannomas (nerve tumors), fibromas and glomus tumors, among others. Almost all are benign. Most can be safely observed or treated with surgery if they are causing symptoms.
Skin and Nail Tumors
Cancerous tumors can develop underneath the nail or on the skin of the hand. The most common types of these tumors are called melanoma or squamous cell cancer. Melanoma can come from areas in the skin that look like moles. Melanoma can also start under the nail and can look like a dark stripe under the nail (Figure 5). Squamous cell cancers can also start on the hand or by the nail. These may look like scaly areas that do not go away, and the growths can even break through the skin (Figure 6). These types of tumors usually require surgery with either a hand surgeon or dermatologist.
Bone Tumors
The majority of growths within the bones of the hand and wrist are not cancerous. The most common growth is called an enchondroma (a growth of cartilage within the bone). These are very common in the small bones of the hand. Bone tumors should be evaluated with an x-ray and occasionally an MRI. Most enchondromas do not need surgery and can be observed, however if the bone fractures because it is weak or the enchondroma is large, surgery may be needed to scrape out the tumor and strengthen the bone.
Cancerous Soft Tissue Tumors
There are very rare cancerous tumors that start from the soft tissue in the hand and wrist. These are called sarcomas. Sarcomas are usually slow growing, painless, and deep within the hand. They most often are evaluated with an MRI and a biopsy. Most sarcoma can be cured with surgery; however, it is important for your surgeon to be familiar with these types of rare tumors as they often require very specialized treatment. Your surgeon may refer you to a sarcoma specialist in these cases.
Foreign bodies, such as a splinter, can cause reactions that form bumps in the hand. Dupuytren’s disease may cause firm bumps in the hand, which are often confused with tumors (Figure 4). Finally, blood vessel growths can also be confused with other tumors.
A physical exam and review of your medical history by a hand surgeon can help to determine the type of hand or wrist tumor you may have. X-rays might be taken to evaluate the bones, joints, and possibly the soft tissue. Other studies such as ultrasounds, CTs, MRIs or bone scans may be done to help narrow down the diagnosis. Needle biopsy or incisional biopsy (cutting out a small sample of the tumor) may be considered if the surgeon wants to confirm the diagnosis before recommending treatment.
Typically, the most successful treatment is removing the tumor with surgery. This allows a pathologist to analyze it and to determine the type of tumor. Often, surgery is done on an outpatient basis, which means you do not spend the night in the hospital.
Some patients may choose to do nothing and simply live with the tumor once they learn that it is non-cancerous. However, if the tumor changes (e.g. skin discoloration, pain, increased size) or if it causes other problems by pressing on nearby structures, then re-evaluation by a hand surgeon is recommended. You and your hand surgeon can choose the best treatment plan.
©2023 American Society for Surgery of the Hand
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